
Don't have a charger, accessories or the original box? Don't worry: we'll still buy your phone and the price won't be affected!

* Fully functional and complete with working system software
* Turns on and off with working LCD
* All buttons work
* All features work e.g. touchscreen, Wi-Fi, camera, video etc
* Complete with back cover and battery
* No more than light wear and tear, no cracks, water damage or damage to screen

* Fully functional - all parts inc. system software
* Heavy wear and tear / scratches
* Liquid damage indicator triggered
* 1 small chip to screen (no more than 3 millimetres across)

* Include its battery
* Be intact - not bent, crushed or snapped in half
* Not have any missing parts or components
* Be removed from Find My iPhone (not activation locked)
* Examples of faulty phones: Broken / bleeding LCD, water damaged, no
power up, blank LCD etc.